What is the Yampa River Scorecard Project?
The YRSP aims to fill the gap of a comprehensive long-term monitoring program for the Yampa Basin.
The need has grown to develop a program to ensure current and future projects, stakeholder use, and river management are working to improve or maintain river health and to be able to track the effects of these interactions on overall river health.
Each spring, the YRSP will release an annual scorecard for the Yampa River based on meticulous measurements of a diverse range of indicators.
Problem Statement
In the Yampa River Basin there are:

Simultaneous projects and planning efforts.

Data gaps related to river health and function, as well as community connection.

A lack of accessibility to the data by all members of the community.

A lack of a comprehensive understanding of the ecological health & community benefits of the river.
We want to ask:
How we can convey science and river management to all people in a fun and exciting way that stimulates community awareness and engagement with the Yampa River and its unique attributes?
Scorecard Goals

Serve as a source of consistent long-term monitoring of river condition/attributes to track their changes over time for all interested parties including the public.

Present data and science in an easily digestible and visually appealing, multimedia format to foster engagement and science education to everyone.

Provide a resource that helps inform future river management projects/decisions.