How it Works

How Does Our Scoring Work?

Scoring a river is no easy feat

Through numerous measurements, scores are derived for approximately 45 different indicators in and around the Yampa River. These indicators fall under multiple categories that are sorted into 3 main attribute areas. You can see the breakdown of our scoring structure in the pie chart to the right.

The Yampa Basin is divided up into 5 segments:

  • Upper Yampa Segment
  • Steamboat Segment
  • Middle Yampa Segment
  • Elk River Segment
  • Lower Yampa Segment
Yampa River Scorecard Project Nomenclature pie chart

Each segment is divided into “riverscapes,” or channel/floodplain lengths that are geomorphically similar. Upon assigning scores for each indicator within each riverscape, the category scores are “rolled up” to calculate final attribute scores for each riverscape. Riverscape scores are similarly rolled up to determine overall segment scores.

Learn more about each indicator by exploring our attribute areas!

Scoring Scale

Each indicator is scored based on the general criteria below.

OPTIMAL & FULLY FUNCTIONAL self-sustaining with minimal/no management, thriving

HIGHLY FUNCTIONAL some stressors present, but remains largely resilient to disturbances; may rely on limited management

FUNCTIONAL while basic functions are intact, stressors impair the system; frequent management is needed to maintain long-term viability

FUNCTIONALLY IMPAIRED severely altered; extensive, consistent, and active management required to sustain basic characteristics

NON-FUNCTIONAL biologically unsuitable

NOT SCORED due to insufficient data or lack of quantifiable methods

Middle Yampa River Segment

The 2022 Yampa River Scorecard Project effort focuses on the Middle Yampa Segment.

A 39-mile section of the Yampa River main stem spanning from the Hayden Pump Station, a public river access site approximately 5 miles east of Hayden, to South Beach, a public river access site located approximately 3 miles south of Craig, was identified as the initial focal segment for the Yampa River Scorecard Project. This section of river is referred to as the Middle Yampa Segment.

The Middle Yampa Segment flows through Morgan Bottom, the Town of Hayden, Yampa River State Park Headquarters, the Yampa River State Wildlife Area (Dorsey), the city of Craig, the Yampa Valley Golf Course (Pebble Beach), and Moffat County’s Loudy-Simpson Park.